The Most
Unexpected whooping ever

I called my aunt to come pick us up 20
minutes ago and she still not here so I decided to go to the playground to play
with my little cousins for a little , turns out she was waiting for us the same
place she dropped us off at but I forgot she said wait there we had her waiting
for about 3 hours, but really I thought she had us waiting , I finally decided
to call walk over and act like I didn’t remember where she was at. I thought
something was wrong so I went to the front of the car to talk to her at this point the library is closed as I
walked by the trees and crossed the street, I reached her car my heart suddenly dropped.
I felt like I was walking a mile and the
destination was her car, that was the longest walk of my life because I knew I was
in trouble. I reached her car and she didn’t say nothing to me so I thought she
was cool with everything so I got happy and went to get my cousin’s from the
playground to go home. I took the same way and the walk was fast when I got to
the playground my cousin was on the swings “lets go you’re mom is here “ I said in a loud voice my 2 cousins was ready
to followed me but the one on the swings stayed and he did one last jump off the swings and I watched
him as he fell on his face and he started bleeding and all I was thinking as I was
walking back to the car what am I going to tell my aunty.
I was so scared because I was supposed to be
watching her son and this happened on my watch I already had a bad feeling
about making her wait for a long time in the parking and now this. I washed my
cousin face and hoped he didn’t start bleeding again. Unfortunately for me as soon
as we was about to reach the car he started bleeding again, she seen it but didn’t
say nothing she didn’t even ask questions, this when I thought something had to
be wrong. On the way back home everyone is quiet in the car and it was awkward
because the car never been that quiet so everyone knew something was wrong were
about to reach my house so she can drop me off and nothing is still being said,
we reached my house and I said bye to my aunty I didn’t think she was going to
coming in but she did and all the kids
did too, when I got inside I went straight to my room and I started to play video
games with my big cousin we was playing madden 07 , all of a sudden my aunty
called everybody to my mom .
I knew this was coming once everybody got in
the room she closed the door and started explaining how she was waiting for a
long time and how she was going to whoop us, at the same time this was so weird
that she was explaining to us how she was going to whoop us and she actually did
whoop her 1 by 1 she and we all watched each other and we all laughed at each
other going but at the end of the day we was wrong and we got punished for it .The lesson here is that i was supposed to be the oldest and i was supposed to be mature and took care of my cousins but i was not acting like i was in charge i got in trouble.
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